
Don't Take Joy In This !

Multi-Grammy Award winner Lauren Hill pleaded guilty to-failing to file federal tax returns for 2005,2006,2007- Not as erroneously reported by even some reputable news sites 'Income Tax Evasion' a far more serious charge (under IRS Code 7201). Nevertheless, the 37 year old mother of six  has pled guilty Friday and faces potential fines and possible jail time(which is highly unlikely since agreeing to pay tax owed) sentencing will take place in late November. Many have disparaged Hill for some of the reasons she gives for her failure to file tax returns.
No doubt as in cases for all taxpayers when tax returns are not filed and the proper established legal processes are not adhered to do so, then yes, as in Ms. Hill's case you are guilty. However, none of this takes away from the valid,honest and truth of the revelations given by her.Since the start of her public career in the early 90s in doing some television and movies and certainly a lot of music Hill has always attempted to promote the positive and the truth for her audience and fans,in particularly in her music with the start of her solo career in 1998. Ms. Hill has seen the real ugliness of the music industry from the inside and has shown great courage and strong moral constitution to self excise herself from it for family and morals. The music business is now certainly corrupt (and maybe to a degree has always been so) filled with nefarious' money is king do what you need to do no matter the human cost' power moguls with no morals or souls,drug addicts,sex addicts and any and all levels of ignominious artist that will do or say anything for the next big hit or a label deal. The industry is fraught with the ever present degradation of women, stealth racism and outright criminality.
True,Lauren Hill is guilty of not filing three years of tax returns, however in no way shape or form
does this take away from her being a strong,courageous woman, mother, role model and teller of the truth.     


OBAMA-Healthcare Plan-The Law Now-

The SCOTUS Ruling This Week Does Two Unique Things. (1st) It Officially Makes This Administration's Universal Healthcare Plan The Law Of The Land. Subjecting Every Strata
Of The American Population Into An Extremely Steep Learning Curb Of-The Does And Don'ts
Of A Very Complex Health Insurance/Delivery System-That Comes With Oversight By The IRS And The Possibilities Of Penalties For Non-Compliance. (2nd) It Inexorably Firmly Places The US -On That Socialistic One Lane Highway With No Shoulders,Exit Ramps,U-Turns, Guide Signs Or Speed Limits Just Stretches And Stretches Of Highway Going Deep Into The Horizon. What You Asked Is At The End Of This Highway? Well What Else Do You Think -

The Times Picayune Is Dead ! Good Riddance!

FOR ALL INTENT AND PURPOSES - YES - AND GOOD RIDDANCE ALREADY! Enough Is Enough- with TP,Newhouse owners and minion Ashton Phelps,Jr (BTW who is getting out of Dodge by the hairs of his-Chinny-Chin-Chin just in time) with their 800 lb monopolistic daily and its churning of un-depth stories in under-sized,overpriced papers.  PLEASE-No more talk of the Pulitzers- If it takes the city to nearly get wipe off the map to get them an award-WHO CARES! The
stories practically wrote themselves with the bunglings of the Feds,FEMA,Bush,Brown,Blanco,Ray Ray and all the befuddled officials. Besides,NBC's Brian Williams and CNN's Anderson Cooper spent so much time in the city,really getting the in-depth news stories,many believe including myself
they establish residency to qualify for public office! But we digress- the TP has been in downsizing
metamorphis mode for years- right before our very eyes,it just didn't seem so,it being the only game in town. Newhouse Nespapers of Advance Publications had implemented this day many moons ago,
and complicit was Ashton Phelps,Jr who held all close to the vest(which is ironic given his penchant almost psychosis of wanting TP to make the news instead of reporting it) let out not a clue. Just think,all of those obits run in the paper all these years, this Big Obituary of the TP(pre-written BTW)
was strangely enough not run until after the funeral had taken place. 


Be Prepared For Some Riveting-Segments- Un-Hinged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-You Have Been Advised!

FUTURE Segments Of- 504 TV JJ"On The Streets Un-Hinged" Will Be Posted For Your Viewing
Convenience. Tell Your Family And Friends(and maybe your enemies too). Hey-Just Tell Everyone!