
Joe Jones aka " Joe Nola 504 " TM ! from the archives of " QUOTES MOST DEEP " TM.....

 " I am a graduate of the mythical ( ' Fred G Sanford ' School of Etiquette Towards Women ); The G stands for be a gentleman to her when she acts like a lady-And be a gangster when she acts like a man. "

     from the archives of

      " QUOTES MOST DEEP " TM.....July 7, 2017

                        By Joe Jones aka " Joe Nola 504 " TM 


HISTORY repeats itself. That is a fact. Do you know why? Because of one thing selfishness


 That is a fact. Do you know why? 

Because of one thing SELFISHNESS "

" Quotes Most Deep"

Joe Jones (aka) Joe Nola 504